My mission is to not only provide you with darling, meaningful images, but also make sure you are enjoying your session and are as comfortable as can be! Trust me when I say, your mood and comfort level will transfer over into your photographs! So let's have fun and let your photos reflect your most authentic selves!

let's do

I think it's important to get to know your photographer a bit before you book them. I mean, we are kind of ...all up in your personal space, to say the least. It can be uncomfortable, or possibly a little awkward at first but once you get that, "you're a complete stranger" stage out of the way, it makes things much more enjoyable.

So, let me tell you a little bit about myself. Growing up, I had always been more on the quiet side. I'd love meeting new people and making friends but I was always worried about what others thought of me. I would have rather sketched for 3 hours alone in my room than gone out to any gathering for fear of being teased or feeling anxious.

Art has always been an outlet that I felt secure about. After pushing myself to learn the art of Manual Photography (over years of practice) I started to notice a change in my confidence. I not only loved how it felt to interact with, friends, families, and couples, I loved that they could look at my Portraits and see themselves in a way I saw them so clearly.

At that point in my journey, I knew this was something I wanted to do, not only for me, but for my community. 

Now, I find nothing more comforting than being around others that have abundant love for one another. Families celebrating a reunion, expectant mothers, newly engaged couples, and my favorite... Weddings!

I am so blessed to have found a career that has pushed me to grow in so many ways. Witnessing the love and interaction of others has been so healing in my life that I just can't let go of it!